Take any past ideas you have about the more common and usually cheaper varieties of blooms and look at them for their color, shape and longevity. The chrysanthemum with its many shapes, sizes and colors is a good example. They are one of the most budget friendly flowers out there. They lend themselves to many styles and displayed in mass have a great look. Some other common flowers that look good in mass are gypsophila or babies breath for most of us. Babies breath is making a come back in popularity when it is displayed in mass by itself. It has a very feminine and lacy look. Another flower not to be over looked is the carnation that when bunched together looks modern and contemporary. And with crysanthemums there are the button mums, china mum, spider mums and on and on. I am personally having a love affair with the china mum right now. I am using them whenever I can. Economical, full, ruffly and long lasting.....gorgeous.